
Thursday, March 6, 2014

Sewing up a holiday laundry bag from a pillow case.... ( a little show and tell)

I love a little road trippin,,, we have had some beauties in our little car staying at motels along the way... and also with many of our motor-homes and campers.....

I have this great dirty laundry bag for our trips, to keep the dirties from the clean ;)
I didn't want to share mine with hubby any more so have made him one as well......
I love the idea so much I thought I would share it with you .....

So here I will "attempt" to show you how to sew one up... They are great for all ages and all types of trips away from home

For this one I used a pillow slip, but you could also use any fabric and just cut to the size you want and sew up the three sided first.....

Here we go...... Turn your pillow slip inside out and lay flat.
To make the flat bottom we cut out and sew the corners.... use a ruler and measure the same distance from each side to make a square,,, see here I have the 4 on the stitching on the side , and the 4 right on the bottom edge,, ( this is so our corner will be even)

Mark your square corner 

                                                                     and cut out

Now lift/ Pinch from the middle and bring outer edges together

so bottom and side seams are together
sew along raw edge ----------
you could over lock or zig zag along this as well to make it neater if you like .....
OK so we have our bottom cornered off and all finished...

Now for the top hem and draw string .....

on one side of the top of your pillow slip will be the turn over..... Cut up and across ( leaving enough to turn over and in to make a hem the same as the other side of top...
turn this in and match up to the other side hem and straight stitch ontop
Now for the draw string holder... with the left over from the top you just cut off ,, cut in half length ways , fold sides in and iron flat , sew a little hem on either end  for the draw string to come out and pin in place on the bag about 10cm or so from top ---------- sew to the bag close to edge on both sides-------- sew one on each side leaving a gap at the side seams for the draw string to come out each end both sides...
for the draw string I used some tie that was around a pack of tea towels I was given :) ,, you could use any type of strapping, cord or rope ....
use a safety pin to thread cord through holder
I wrapped mine around twice to give it an extra hold when drawn closed.....
Tie ends of draw string together and we are done.... a flat bottomed draw string laundry bag.....
I had a little fun with mine and put a pocket on the front before sewing it all together
I use the pocket to hold a little bag of laundry powder and my coin purse for when I am using the laundry room at camping parks :)..

I also added a little embroidery design.... Pip the pup and I hanging washing.....
I do hope you can follow along, I am not the best at tutorials and hope the photos help with the description of how I make the bags....... These are great for lots of things not only dirty laundry bags ... I made one for my son to take his sheets to kindy, pre-school... ( wow that was a long time ago he is 21 this year!!!!)... any-ways if you have any questions please feel free to ask and I will do my best to help out.....

We are having a lazy day here at the cottage.... Pepper, Pip and Tiara found the cool spot  ;-) .....
Thanks for popping in
until next adventure
Take care


  1. Hi Kris
    Glad to see you back on your blog,
    I love your laundry bag ,I am going to have a go at making some :-)
    looking forward to hearing more from Avondale Cottage xox
    Love you Mammie xox

    1. Hi mammie, so glad to be back . Have fun making the laundry bags, they really are good for lots of uses x
