Hello , Welcome .....
I have been wanting to get back here and blog some wonderful exciting news....
But well ,,,,, we are still waiting for conformation ,to see if we are on our way to owning our very own cottage, ( mortgagee sale = searches ontop of searches,Rural zoning means we could have to come up with 30% of deposit so trying to get it classed as rural residential as is has town water and sewer,,,and getting a home loan from a bank = waiting time for more searches) , and I didn't want to jinks our little cottage dream from coming true,,,, But you see its been over a months since we looked at, put in a contract and a deposit down on this ( down v here v ) shabby old cottage.....
Potential Potential Potential in my eyes.
and I am excited and anxious and wanted to make sure it was ours before i shared the news,,, I have been dreaming of our very own cottage , renting has its limits when you love to renovate and decorate as much as I do.... we have done up a house on the gold coast and also designed and built a little cottage for our eldest daughter when she was having a little family of her own.... plus we totally revamped our 40 foot motor home.. so I have been having a few withdrawals from renovating and making this shabbiest of old cottages into a home would give us some life back into our everyday...

Yep sure I have made Avondale cottage our home and we have painted a few walls and planted a garden, but its not the same,, its not OURS.... anyways we hope to know for sure if this ^^^^ cottage will be our very own...hopefully this week.... I am sure to scream it with joy from the roof tops for all to hear my utmost joy if all turns out and she is :). If not , well I am ready to except that it's the universe telling us all was not well and it was not for us x ..I just want to know..
On with news that is in the here and now :)..
I have been feeling in a state of ,,, lets call it limbo,, waiting for the sale to go through, waiting on the weather to be warmer, waiting on my days of going down to the gold coast and looking after my wonderful grand babies for 10 days to be done, waiting , waiting... really I think its just been an excuse I've used because I've been lazy, a little depressed maybe... I am not sure but I needed to get out of the slum feeling I had been in,, I needed to get off my butt, feel grateful for the wonderful opportunities my every day brings and just bloom where I am planted in the here and now!!! So I have made myself get up and out and about and with that comes the start of a few little make over projects...
I had been on the search for bentwood chairs as I love the old world cottage look of them,, being on a tight budget ( saving for a home and all) I had not yet found any within my budget....
But with a little on a whim call into the local op shop I came across these not sure of what make but totally adorable chairs,,,,I promptly swung these up and over my shoulders when I seen them and the wonderful price tag attached.
Yes Yes yes that is $5 for the Pair ;)....
A good scrub has the not so good for sitting on one ending up in the bathroom for now :) ,, with the new spring bringing in the sunshine my mini carnation is happily sitting here too...
A $3 op shop find basket holds cushions from the lounge that the mister Man has taught Pippin to push off ( He thinks cushions are a waist of bum seat space.... I love cushions, I do seem to have a collection ... so a constant joke in our cottage.... I find them in all sorts of strange places!!) I do like them plopped in here though so all is well ;)..
It amazing what a few budget friendly op shop finds will do for the spirit :),,,,
Another thing I have been trying to do is eat,, and not only eat but eat well,, (yep in my recent limbo days I often forgot to eat,, or was that just to lazy to! didn't help the energy levels at all!!)
I do love food!! and I loved turning a simple meal into something a little special...I had lived by this saying "bread and water can so easily be turned into tea and toast" ... So today, I got myself up and set up a little lunch out on the veranda, it was lovely and didn't take much time at all to pop together..... we enjoyed simple food , sunshine and a chat.....
Well my lovelies,, some more offerings have come in from the garden so ill be off to get a wonderful nourishing meal on the table tonight :)
Thanks for popping in , and thank you for being here for me to share my days doings :) ,, it makes me more willing to get off my lazy bottom and bloom where I am planted , and share my blooming good life and finds and creations with ya'll oxoxoxox
Until next adventure
Take care